D I S C O V E R   W H A T   T H E   SSEC  DOES:

Research, Tech, & Innovation

Business & Projects Consultation

Training, Education, & Capacity Building

Discover   the   SSEC  contribution &  programs:

Since 2021, the SSEC has presented several scientific research, business engagement, and capacity building in several themes integrating sustainability solutions, sustainability principles, and scientific methods, executing the targets of the broad 17SDGs, and working with professional institutes/businesses/ORGs, to execute sustainability commitments and sustainability-related impacts.


Apart from performing technical communication and training events globally, the SSEC is a global institute supporting professional documentation of research and welcomes partnerships for consortium, partnerships for funding & grants, partnerships for fulfilling a Term of Reference, partnerships for projects, and partnerships for execution of research and technology transfer. Choose Marcharh, engage, and commit with us now.

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